Felician Center GroundBreaking

With each new year, the needs of the underserved expanded and so did the pool of volunteers to support, organize and conduct new facets of the Felician Center. God’s blessings guided the steps as one thing led to another and the need for “space” became an issue.

In November 2011, the Felician Center Board sponsored its first fundraiser and held the groundbreaking for a new outreach center. In March 2012, the new facility was completed, dedicated on May 18, 2012 and opened its Clothing Closet in July 2012. In the next months, other services were staggered for opening including the Food Pantry, Health Programs and the rest to become history.

The original 906 Thorne Avenue property became the Learning Center and the new 1000 Thorne Avenue property became the Felician Outreach Center. The mission to become a “transforming presence through compassionate ministry, educational services and loving care” has been totally realized. The Felician Sisters of North America, Felician Services Inc. and the Diocese of Charleston shared in the journey as major supporters.

“When I was hungry you fed Me, you clothed Me, you cared for Me when I was sick . . . what you do to others you do to Me.”  Matt. 25