2021 January COVID-19 Updates

January 2021


Learning Center
Due to a rise in COVID cases in Williamsburg County, the January 21, 2021 Kids Event was a pickup event.  Kat Tisdale explained the activities in the pre-filled bags and thermal cups of hot chocolate were available for take-out.

Food Pantry
Due to the rise in COVID cases, the advertised days for registration were cancelled and distribution of food for anyone at the door continued.  

The food distribution on the last Tuesday of the month included bagged lunches from Kingstree Presbyterian Church and a pre-filled bag of food from Henryhand Funeral Home.  A roll of toilet paper was added to each bag.  Surplus bagged lunches were donated to Williamsburg Residential Care Center.

Clothing Closet
Due to the rise in COVID cases, the Clothing Closet was closed.  Boxes of free clothing and bedding were placed outside on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, January 18, January 19, and January 29.

Health Programs
Interviews for assistance with dental, eye and prescriptions were cancelled until further notice.

The Clinical program for FMU nursing students was cancelled on January 29.  FMU re-assigned the students to assist in vaccine distribution sites.

Decisions to cancel events were for the protection of staff, clients, and students.