June COVID-19 Updates

June 2020

Learning Center

A First Day of Summer event was held on June 19th.  Children from the Learning Center and their parents participated in various games at socially distant stations. Outdoor play items such as water blasters, water balloons, and sidewalk chalk were given to the children along with ice cream.

Food Pantry

75 Subway meal boxes were distributed on June 2.  Volunteers and staff prepared 75 “grab ‘n go” grocery bags for Food Pantry participants on Tuesdays.

Clothing Closet

Preparations to open the Clothing Closet for July continue with the assistance of volunteers (gloved and masked).

In addition . . .

Kids’ special events coincided with the pandemic. The April, May and June events were sponsored by the FSI St. Francis Fund for “beyond the classroom” activities.

In June, COVID-19 funds were used to pay for groceries of two families purchasing healthy foods, as well as $250 was placed on an underserved person’s account at a local dentist, and $100 was placed on 5 underserved persons’ medication accounts at two local pharmacies. Additional COVID-19 supplies of ibuprofen, nasal sprays, and hand sanitizers were purchased.