South Carolina Winter Fun

The average January temperature is 58 degrees, the average overnight lows are 38 degrees and there is an average 10 hours of sunlight in a South Carolina winter!

On January 21, 2021, the Felician Learning Center sponsored a “Winter Fun” event for the children. This “Beyond the Classroom” FSI grant sponsored experience was once again altered as the COVID rates in Williamsburg County remain high. The children with their parent/guardian came dressed with scarves and hats. Instead of going to stations to do the activities, Kat Tisdale, director, did a demonstration of three “snowy” activities that were packed in their takeaway bags.

One activity was to make a geometric snowflake, another was to make some cold snow as an endothermic reaction and the third included a packet of hot chocolate with marshmallows and chocolate chips.  Poems about winter, snowflakes and snowmen were read in between. A grocery bag was filled with kid-friendly foods and a snowman soup mug with a can of chicken noodle soup.  A takeout hot chocolate was also a treat that was enjoyed. Kat Tisdale said and the children would agree, “it was SNOW much fun!”