The St. Clare Clothing Closet was established to provide gently used men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, shoes, bedding and other items in a $2.00 bag sale. Baby and children’s clothing are the greatest needs.
The closet brags at the large number of NEW items from groups, civic organizations, churches and businesses around the state and country. Herff Jones in Greenville, SC, Bishop Thomas Aquinas (NJ), Our lady of Sacred Heart high School (PA) and SC Knights of Columbus are major donors that stock the closet.
There is an ongoing schedule featuring special items. August featured back to school clothing and supplies. September will introduce new and used jackets and coats. In October there is as special event featuring new shoes with support and arches to relieve foot and back aches especially for the elderly. Starting in November, Christmas items are put forth eg. toys, clothing, sheets, blankets, towels. In January, new and beautiful baby items are available sponsored by Our Lady Star of the Sea Church in North Myrtle Beach, SC.
Due to limitations with storage, donations are ONLY accepted by appointment to arrange for drop off during operating hours. Items left unattended outdoors are prey to neighborhood animals, exposure to rain and must be disposed. Please call (843) 354-9415 to inquire.