Easter 2021 at Felician Center

It has been a year since we had Easter 2020 come and go due to the pandemic.

What a difference a year can make. God’s amazing grace fills the Felician Center with countless reasons to rejoice.

Sister Carol and Sister Johnna enjoyed the distribution of 100 Smithfield hams purchased by various benefactors and given to grateful clients.

Sister Susanne and Kat Tisdale celebrated with outdoor activities “down the bunny trail” for the children and their guardians who attend the Learning Center. A scavenger hunt and plastic egg relays provided much fun for all . The sunny weather prompted ice cream treats, too.

Kat Tisdale and Sister Carol delighted the children with Easter baskets filled with all kinds of treats from benefactors near and far. The KID EVENT is sponsored by the St. Francis Fund grant received from FSI for BEYOND THE CLASSROOM education.

Each child received a folder with kid friendly handouts about the Last Supper and leading up to the Resurrection Day. Feedback from parents/guardians has been very favorable regarding these monthly events because the children have something constructive and creative to do at home.