Posts by admin

Blessed Angela Meal Days

Various area churches and organizations take turns sponsoring the hot meal with purchasing, preparing, and serving the food for distribution at the Felician Center

International Students Outing

Benefactors and Felician Center sponsored a trip to the movies for 12 international students

Felician Center Board Meeting

Board members on site and other members via zoom met on January 10th

Felician Learning Adventures Celebrated Winter

On January 15, children gathered to engage in some learning activities

Polish Christmas Open House

The Felician Sisters in Kingstree, SC welcomed board members and staff to a Polish Christmas Open House

Catholic International Children Dramatize Nativity

Joining together from different countries exhibited that PEACE ON EARTH is possible

Felician Center Service Day

Board members of Felician Center came together to prepare 75 hot dog bag lunches for local first responders

Holiday Bounty

The entire student body of Williamsburg Academy donated over 1800 food items

New Jackets For Kids

The Knights of Columbus Council 8980 have continued the tradition of donating new jackets for kids

Annual Food Drive

The Kingstree Community Youth Group sponsored the annual Scavenger Hunt