Following the festivities of the 30th anniversary of the Felician Center, members of the provincial administration and Felician Services participated in a formal board meeting.
Dr. Ruth Wittmann-Niedzwicki chairperson welcomed the guests and conducted the meeting as usual. For the introductions, all board members were invited to state their name, church affiliation and ministry involvement to display the diversity and ecumenical composition of the Board of Directors.
After a reflection by Joe Waters, mission leader, each committee presented their reports. Jean Nexsen, mission integration committee chair made a presentation on the FILL IT FORWARD program. The mission is to inspire the world to reuse creating a sustainable future for our planet. The board members were gifted with blue water bottles with the Felician Center logo and the app to scan for each filling of water. Other reports on finance, corporate compliance, properties and programs followed by each chairperson.
At the conclusion, Terry Schweizer, Felician Services President, expressed gratitude to the board members for supporting Felician Core Values in their services. Sister Judith Marie Kubicki, provincial minister, added that the experience of learning, observing, and celebrating the Felician Center ministry was “AWESOME”.
The group joined spouses and staff for a southern barbecue luncheon organized by Leslee Spivey, long time volunteer. A presentation from the Board members was made to the Sisters entitled, “An Ode to the Sisters” that spoke volumes, “you have changed our lives and community for the better and for that, and more, we’ll be grateful forever”.