Residents were doing their part for the Neighborhood Forum project. Felician Center interviewed contractors to commit to several jobs. . .some built handicap ramps, some built decks, stairs, landings, and railings as needed.
Interested town groups heard about the project and volunteered to do more. Some painted, others did trim and shutters, and some even pressure washed homes.
Thus far, Williamsburg County public works picked up excess trash, Kingstree Community Youth Group painted some railings, shutters and eaves, and Williamsburg Presbyterian Church tackled pressure washing and porch painting on one of the hottest days of the summer.
Felician Center board members hosted a SUBWAY box lunch for the contractors and volunteers.
Comments from the home owners have been awesome. One woman said just cleaning up around her property was a goal but the project provided the motivation. Another homeowner made $200 on an old automobile that sat idle for 4 years on her property to the trailer mover who came to move it. Another party, who does not live on Thorne Avenue, said, “I grew up on Thorne Ave. and am so happy about this project because no one ever cared about us.” Another home owner has offered to provide some personal funding to get some extra work done. Neighbors are talking to neighbors. Stairs are sturdy and safe. Smiles are exchanged. We hope Thorne Avenue becomes the “TALK OF THE TOWN”.