Christ’s coming fills our lives with joy and His peace calms our weary world. People everywhere do their part. There is giving and receiving.
Food, Clothing, and More
Through November and December, churches, schools, community groups across the state and country collect, purchase, sort, and deliver generous items for holiday sharing. There are brand new children’s jackets, socks, underwear, candies, toys, toiletries, gift cards to local fast-food eateries etc.
Twelve full turkey dinners were prepared and delivered to local families of the Felician Center by the First Baptist Church in Kingstree. Special recognition goes out to Knights of Columbus, SC, Our Lady Star of the Sea, N. Myrtle Beach, Immaculate Conception, Goose Creek, St. Philip Benizi, Moncks Corner, Union Presbyterian Church, Order of Eastern Star, Williamsburg Academy, Girl Scouts Troop 321, Cades, SC, Eastern Carolina Foundation, Our Lady of Good Counsel, Folly Beach, SC, St. Michael, Garden City, SC, St. Andrew, Myrtle Beach, Our Lady of Sacred Heart High School (PA) and countless individual benefactors for their heartfelt generosity.