Williamsburg Vital Aging Visits Felician Center

On Thursday, February 16, 2023, thirty six guests from Greeleyville, Hemingway, and Kingstree Vital Aging visited the Felician Center. The gathering was a social event but meant to introduce the audience to available resources for them and others they know.

The guests were welcomed by Sister Susanne, program director and addressed by Jean Nexsen, Felician Center mission leader. Jean presented some history of Felician Center and the mission of the ministry to this day. Sister Johnna presented the qualifications and operations of the Food Pantry. Sister Carol presented the qualifications of the various health services eg. dental care, eye care, prescription assistance and FMU health screenings. Sister Susanne continued with the operations of the Clothing Closet that is open to the public. The Learning Adventure Program for children, BDGP college scholarship program and the recent Neighborhood Forum were also explained.

Felician Center board members Salley Jenkinson, Rev. Ian Geimer, Jean Nexsen and volunteer Claire Tejero served Kentucky Fried Chicken box lunches to the guests. Tours of the Food Pantry and Clothing Closet completed the afternoon. For most guests, this was a first time visit to the 30 year old ministry on Thorne Avenue.

Jean Nexsen (red dress) presents history and mission of Felician Center

Sister Susanne addressing the group

Sister Susanne with visiting Vital Aging guests