February Learning Adventure

The month of February, though it is short, celebrates some significant events namely, Black History month, President Abraham Lincoln and President George Washington birthdays.  The children of the Felician Center enjoyed a “learning adventure” beyond classroom learning on February 23rd with these themes.

After some routine math and reading work on the computers taught by Sister Johnna, the children viewed two short YOU tube segments about the two presidents.  Next, the children moved through three learning stations.  Claire Tejero, volunteer, focused on President George Washington including the classic story of chopping down the cherry tree demonstrating his truthfulness.

Claire Tejero, volunteer, instructs children about President George Washington


Sister Carol engaged the children in some learnings about President Abraham Lincoln regarding his boyhood and development.  Sister Susanne featured some more contemporary African American leaders and successes namely Rosa Parks, Oprah Winfrey and Jesse Owens.  The children colored pictures and had some work sheets on these February notables.

All the children were individually involved in a timed activity to explore currency to find Lincoln and Washington on the penny, quarter, one dollar and five dollar bill.

Snacks that day included cherry drinks, cherry pies and cherry candies to zero in on the George Washington legend.

Austin Primes looking for the Presidents on American currency

Children check out Black History display of a proud heritage of African American leaders